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Puzzle & Dragons Z Info

Zablion profile pic zablionsea

I created a spreadsheet of all monsters in the English version of the game. The chip and egg locations will be updated as I log them. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IaELroOLwxfL-63R1vsi0v4cJBP1Kyfd187iPyU2uqE/edit?usp=sharing

These some other not-made-by-hand-by-me resources: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/114532-puzzle-and-dragons-z-plus-puzzle-and-dragons-super-mario (Generally helpful)

https://pad-3ds.gungho.jp/ (General information on official website, in Japanese)

https://pad-3ds.gungho.jp/pz/monster/ (Official website’s monster guide, in Japanese, all numbers past beyond 265 are not included in English game release)

https://game-cap.com/puzdraz/ (Another general site, but contains more specific information than official website like Z-Box drops, monster locations, and skill descriptions. In Japanese.)

https://imgur.com/JXAoYRt (Amaterasu Ookami Relic link, US version)

https://i.imgur.com/aT0iPYf.png (Green Orochi Relic link, US version)

https://i.imgur.com/VWXAnG6.png (Beginners Relic link, US version)

https://www.reddit.com/r/padz/comments/p8xgje/all_orb_codes_form_the_americanus_version_of/ (All Orb Codes, US version)

https://www.nintendo.de/Spiele/Nintendo-3DS/Puzzle-Dragons-Z-Puzzle-Dragons-Super-Mario-Bros-Edition-981211.html#Zus_tzliche_Inhalte (EU orb codes on the German site. The GameFAQs user that posted the link in forums indicated the codes for Amaterasu, Green Orochi, Blue Orochi, and Red Orochi are present.)

UPDATE: The images on the provided link no longer appear to work. Here is a Google Drive link to a folder containing all 4 EU Orb Codes. My apologies for not directly backing up the page when it was functional.

(1-65) (66-126) () The sounds and animations present in the monster book. Uploader has not completed all 264 available monsters. I would consider videoing my own game with all entries, but I don't have something to rest a camera on.

Hope this helps! ^w^